FAQ for Undergraduates spring semester


How/where can I get my bill?

Saint Mary’s College bills exclusively online. You will receive an email on your SMC email account every time a bill is available for viewing. Please view the bill by logging into MySMC and clicking on the “Student Account Center” app. The Student Account Center acts as a one-stop-shop for all of your billing and payment needs. Once you are on the “Student Account Center,” please click on Statements (“Your latest eBill Statement”) to see your itemized bill. Please note: Your online statement is not a real-time accounting of your bill. Any corrections, adjustments, and/or payments made after the Statement Date will not change the bill. To see any changes and to view real-time account activity, click on “View Activity” or click on the ODS button for an on-demand statement.

What if my parents pay my bill? How can they log in to view and pay my bill?

Students must set up Authorized User profiles for parents, grandparents, spouses, or anyone else they wish to have access to view their bills and make payments online. Please set up Authorized Users by going to MySMC and clicking on “Student Account Center” app. On the right of the screen (under My Profile Setup) you will then click “Authorized Users.” Authorized users will receive two emails. One of the emails will have a computer-generated password to be used at initial log in. The system will prompt you to change the password.

Every time an eBill is ready for viewing, an email will be sent to the authorized users email address. Your Authorized User will be able to view the bill, make payments, check account activity, and set up a payment plan at http://secure.touchnet.net:443/C21320_tsa/web

When is my balance due?

Your balance, after any pending/estimated financial aid (scholarships, loans, etc.) is DUE BY January 15, 2025.

***Please be aware that if you pay your balance and include the pending student loans then decide to decline the loans, you must add that amount into your balance due***

How can I make a payment?

1. Students may make eCheck payments online using the Student Account Center. Parents and Authorized Payers may make eCheck payments online at http://secure.touchnet.net:443/C21320_tsa/web

2.  Check payments may be mailed to:

Saint Mary’s College Business Office

1928 St. Mary’s Road PMB 4600

Moraga, CA 94575

Please be sure to include the student’s I.D. number on the check.

* If you are withdrawing from a 529 College Savings Account, please note that these payments can take over 3 weeks to be issued.  For this reason, we ask that you make the 529 redemption immediately.

3.  Credit card payments are only accepted online. There is a non-refundable service fee of 2.95% on the transaction amount ($3.00 minimum)

4.  Cash and checks are accepted at the Student Accounts window in the Business Office on the first floor of Filippi Hall.

5.  You may have enrolled in the 5-Month Payment Plan and may have already started making monthly payments. If you haven’t joined but would like to, the 4-Month Payment Plan is available by clicking on “Enroll in Payment Plan”. The 4-month payment plan will have installments running from December 15-January 15. This plan is voluntary. Only one plan is permitted each semester.

What if my balance is not paid by January 15TH?

If the balance, after any pending financial aid, is not paid by January 15th, you will be charged a $100 late payment fee and will be subject to having your fall classes dropped. Spring term classes start on February 3, 2025.

Where is my Financial Aid? Some or all of my aid is not showing on my statement.

Undergraduate students MUST register for a minimum of 12 units each semester for full aid.

Please review your current financial aid offer letter on GaelXpress2.0. Should you have questions regarding your award, please call the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships for assistance at (925) 631-4370 or email finaid@tiemles.com. Federal work study will NOT be reflected as pending aid.

Please Note: Pending Federal Direct Loans and Federal Direct PLUS Loans are reflected as gross amounts but loan fees are charged. This means you will receive a smaller loan than the total amount. Please add the appropriate loan fee to the balance due. Origination fees for loans disbursed after 10/1/2020 and before 10/1/25 are 1.057% and 4.228% for Direct Parent PLUS Loans. Please consult with the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships or visit studentaid.gov for updated information.

Why do I have a $175 late registration fee on my bill?

All continuing students are asked to meet with their academic advisors and to register for the Spring term on or prior to December 6, 2025. Students who did not register by that date will be charged a $175 late registration fee.

I am a new student and I did not attend the New Student Orientation. Can I be refunded?

No, all new undergraduate students are charged a one time, non-refundable $300 New Student Fee, which is applied directly to their student account. The fee covers all costs associated with orientation including materials, staffing, and all new student resources. Refunds are not granted for students who choose not to attend the orientation sessions as the orientation is a fundamental aspect of Saint Mary's College. All deposits and fees at Saint Mary’s College are non-refundable.

Why am I being charged for medical insurance?


To ensure that all students have health insurance coverage, including basic sickness and accident insurance, the College has a mandatory health insurance requirement.  All full-time undergraduate students are required to have health insurance coverage.  This means students are automatically enrolled and billed for the College's provided plan through United Healthcare.  If you have comparable coverage of your own, you must actively file a waiver every year by going to http://studentcenter.uhcsr.com/stmarys-ca  Once you have completed the waiver, Saint Mary's College will credit your account for the premium within 5-7 business days.  If you believe you have submitted a waiver and are still being charged, please call 1-800-505-4160 or email customerservice@uhcsr.com.  The waiver must be completed on or before August 15th.

Please Note: The waiver opportunity for continuing students shut down on August 15, 2024.  If you have not completed the waiver by August 15th you will be insured for the full academic year with no other chance to waive in the spring. The cost of the annual medical insurance policy is $2,465 billed upfront on your fall bill. Attention: International students and U.S. citizens whose primary residence is abroad will NOT be able to waive the school insurance. Mandatory enrollment is required if your permanent address is abroad.

What is the charge for an “additional course fee”?

Each full-time undergraduate student is entitled to take up to 18 units per long semester and up to 36 units for the full year (fall-jan-spring…summer session is not included). Overload courses will be billed as an additional course fee at $2,048 per unit for every unit over 18 in a long semester or over 5 units for Jan Term. Anyone within 18 units per semester but over 36 for the year will *also* incur an additional course fee. An example would be 15 units for fall, 4 units for Jan, and 18 units for spring. This totals 37 units and you will be billed for a one unit overload. The additional charge will post to your account in February to accommodate for any changes made to your spring schedule.  Please Note: Billable courses include courses taken *and* withdrawn from AFTER the add/drop period,

What if I have to withdraw from school?

SMC will refund you 100% of tuition for withdrawals at the end of the first week of the term, 80% at the end of the second week, and 75% at the end of the third and fourth week. After the fourth week of the term, there will be NO tuition refunds. Any refund from housing or meal plans will be made according to the Residence Hall and Dining Services License. Please consult with Campus Housing at (925) 631-4241.  Tuition insurance is available from GradGuard for medical withdrawals. Purchasing tuition insurance is optional (the deadline to purchase tuition insurance is one day prior to the beginning of the term). Please visit GradGuard.com/Tuition/stmarys-ca or call (866) 985-7598.

Who should I call with questions about my bill?

Billing: Business Office Student Accounts (925) 631-4209

Housing: Office of Campus Housing (925) 631-4241

Financial Aid: Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships (925) 631-4370

Health insurance United Healthcare Student resources United Healthcare (800) 505-4160

GradGuard Tuition Insurance Protection Plan (866) 985-7598